Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Concert for our future

Concert for our Future, a benefit for Four Years.Go.

Four Years. Go. is a campaign to turn Humanity's current path towards a just, thriving and sustainable future. We have the technology and know-how to change our direction - all that's missing is the collective will to get it done.

If you live in the US, make sure you'll be there. Aaron will perfom along with other artists and there will be a meet and greet after the show

For more information:  http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=177538538933431

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Welcome to the Norwegian Aaron Carter Team

We are two girls from Oslo, Norway who love and support Aaron Carter. We started this blog to show our support and spread the word about him. 

We both have been fans since "Crush on you" and still are. One thing about Aaron that makes him stand out is that he cares deeply about his fans, everything he does is for his fans. Aaron is one of few that acctually are social with his fans on Twitter, he replies and follows back. If you meet him on the street, go and say hi, he don't mind at all

Aaron will hopefully be out with a new album during 2011, it's not confirmed yet but we will let you know as soon as it has been confirmed. Our job when the album is out is to make it #1 worldwide, hopefully with YOUR help. We are gonna promote him as much as we can, contact radio stations, magazines and tv. Now we're gonna prepare everybody and make the world ready for whats comming.

We don't have direct contact with Aaron, but we have contact with his assistanse, Gwen, Dawn and Kelsie and with their help we gonna make sure that you get all the latest info and news about Aaron.